Hey folks!
This Friday snuck up on us after a productive and impactful week, things have been moving quickly and suddenly we have put the final touches together and can proudly say that the new facility is up and running! The machines are humming, the shop guys are back at it, and there is an overall sense of excitement around the entire crew as we finally get back to what we do best in our new home.
Earlier this week we welcomed a brand new piece, custom made by the folks at HouseMade Industries - Helios our new Forge! This was an exciting project together back in June and now we can finally use it! Stay tuned later in the week for a video about the project and install to give you a deeper look into Helios!

Although the guys are working through our backlog of surface grinding and rolling offered on a delay during our move, our billet services are back and can be selected with your next purchase. We appreciate your patience as we got machines moved over.
Riptide in Ripple
This weekend we are dropping an OG, the Riptide Ripple. This is the last batch from our old shop and we feel like it’s a great one to close out with, there will be 47 bars dropping, so get it while it lasts! Drop is Saturday, 8pm EST on the website.
Early next week we’ll move our offices and shipping center to the new facility and finally we’ll all be under one roof ready to keep delivering kickass steel!
“Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” – Bruce Lee