We have made it through another grueling, hot Appalachia week. The hottest weeks of summer never seem to last long, but boy, when you’re in the thick of it, it’s ROUGH!
This week we hosted Luke Bright of Barrel Falls Bladeworks at the shop for several consecutive days. Hosting Makers that showcase our material with their exceptional work is a blast for us, and a chance to hand them the reins on a few of our machines to knock out something they otherwise couldn’t. It’s also an excellent time to utilize our Baker Forge Media Team to get a little footage of a new face! Many of you may have seen our “Meet the Maker” video yesterday on socials, which we filmed to help introduce Luke and his work!
With the extra hands and insight, Luke and Coy tackled a custom Twisted W’s Integral that Luke had dreamed up. Production on these innovative ideas generally result in one-off billets, but… there may be a few trickling down onto the website in the coming weeks. You’ll just have to stay tuned here to find out!
In addition to the integrals, we spent some time with Luke adjusting and challenging several new patterns for existing layouts, as many of you know, patterning can be a creative and expressive way to further build upon the unique appearance of many of our mosaics, and bringing exciting new patterns to light is a BLAST!
To finish up the three-day R&D marathon, Coy made significant strides on a HUGE personal mosaic project he has been refining for months. Another thing to stay tuned for more information!
Sometime today we expect to receive our second Blanchard Grinder. Months ago when we announced the addition of our first Blanchard we explained that our goal was to flat grind each and every outgoing billet. This adjustment proved successful and popular among our customers. So now, armed with TWO Blanchards, we’re ready to flat grind EVEN MORE finished billets and fulfill larger orders with the same, gorgeous finish!

👀 Sneak Peek 👀
Here for the FIRST TIME EVER, a new and innovative twist on our Go-Mai! Created with a single, lonely shim of bronze and a 1084 core, the shop guys cooked up this batch with our brand new TIGHT Chevron pattern. Something about that bronze just sets off the dark & clean 1084 core and we’re stoked with how this one came out. Baker App users get access A FULL DAY EARLY, and drop on the site Saturday at 8PM EST!
“But smooth seas don't make good sailors, jump ship and head for failure.”
― Neck Deep adding to a Franklin D. Roosevelt quote