The heat of summer is beginning to wind down for us up here in the Appalachians, and we’re stoked for it. Seems like productivity goes up just a little when it’s comfortable around the shop. Amidst a busy week of innovation with our new CopperMai layout, Chris Cash of MT Phillips Metalworks dropped by the HQ to provide a few tips & tricks for the new 22,000lb Power Hammer prior to permanent installation. Along with the advice, Chris also brought the recently restored 1947 Chambersberg’s plumbing system, and perhaps the largest load of tongs ever ordered outside of a culinary school. Having folks like Chris around our shop really builds confidence. Knowing you have the knowledge and hands to fix damn-near anything empowers creative machine-types like us, and this week reminded us how good our little support-system is!

Last week’s self-dubbed “Sale of the Summer” was a HUGE success, we were thrilled to offer the Tsunami at heavily discounted rates, and seeing so many of you jump on the deal and stock up for the end-of-summer push is rewarding, and helps us jump on new patterns to reveal! Don’t forget to tag our Team Baker IG page with your work, we love to see the creativity and craftsmanship taken into every blade made with our steel!
Last Saturday we debuted the “Steel Showdown” a bracket-style competition flawlessly narrated by our friend, Brain Housewert of HouseMade.US. In this series, we hope you’ll vote for your favorite pattern in a head-to-head bout that will eventually reveal the 2024 overall most popular steel! Last week’s battle between Firestorm (DamCore) Ripple versus IceStorm Wavy revealed Firestorm as the preferred layout! This week you’ll have two more dynamic options to choose between!

Meanwhile in “Waylon’s World”, the resident media-expert faced a bevy of challenges this week, ranging from early-in-the-week food poisoning from an Asian lunch on Monday to a welded-shut bowden tube on the Baker 3D printer. Regardless, it was a passive reminder of the wealth of different roles each of our staff have grown into. We may be a scrappy crew, but we’re a handy bunch!
Sneak Peek 👀

This week we are dropping a pattern we’ve never done before! Made with our traditional
Copper Damascus cladding and an 80CRV2 core you won’t want to miss out on this powerful new pattern. With a wide variety of size options available, there’s a bar for anything you might have in mind! Grab YOURS today with early access on the Baker App, or get it on the website TOMORROW at 8pm EST!
“The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits.”
- Albert Einstein